
Have you ever been caught up in a web of confusion? Sometimes life is muddled up; everyone you see around is all sorted and it seems you are the only one who is a mess and not thinking out clearly. Days when you feel like things you have been passionate about, matter no more to you. You are not working out but your energy is all sapped. This inkling feeling you have all the time does not let you live in peace..

In short, the problem is you don’t know what you are doing and why you are not doing what you should be doing, makes sense? No, right?

The question is to either take a plunge or not? But oh wait, what if you are late to rethink over your decision!

What you do then? Perhaps you just wait for the storm to pass away so that the calmness settle in.

Life lessons learn from lockdown

Life is full of absurdity. Some days you feel upbeat and some days you feel low for no reason. The essence of life seems missing. Sometimes it’s better to wallow in your worry and give time to yourself to rejuvenate. This year has been tough especially because of pandemic and lockdown. Although lockdown eases from this month, the aftereffects are still left with us.

This lockdown has taught people in many ways. People have explored their creative side be it cooking, writing, and learning a new craft or painting. Not only this, the lockdown has made us see beyond our own existence. Many people’s perspectives have changed during this period. They begin to view the world from different angle. People have realised the importance of being content in whatever they have. There is fear of uncertainty still lingering around us because pandemic is not over yet.

No doubt, these are challenging times but we need to focus on positives. I am sharing a few life lessons that have also helped me to make it through every day during this lockdown.

* Don’t give self-importance to yourself because you are replaceable.
* Life is uncertain and nothing is permanent, so why fret over aging, failing or not achieving worldly tasks.
* Spread love because that is what people will remember of you and not your expensive gifts or status.
* People are not insensitive, they are conditioned this way and hence they don’t realise that their action is hurting other individual. So try to forgive and move on.
* No need to assert your point if the other person is not willing to understand.
* Share your emotions with your family because rest doesn’t care. Not because they are bad or careless, they might be preoccupied with their own life problems.
* Seriously live life one day at a time.
* It’s good to have friends around you because they keep you sane but don’t rely too much on them for your every need; at the end you have to fight your battle alone.
* No one can understand your pain or what you are going through and that is fine because you also don’t know what other person is going through.
* Nature, greenery is what makes one happy.
* Things that seem meaningful to us are actually meaningless.
* Death is inevitable. No one’s life will be affected as much as your closed ones. Time doesn’t stop for anyone so leave behind some good memories for them to cherish.
* You are nobody seriously you are NOBODY. Always remember this.
* God is the only ONE who can heal your pain.
* Don’t share your worries to others because everyone is facing tough situation in one way or other. Share with God.
* You don’t know your end so keep praying because your end may be near.
* Empathise with people and most importantly show love to your parents because they are growing old.

Before I Fall

Do you stop for a minute and try to live in the moment? Do you ever think about your death and how will you be remembered by people? Life does not give you second chance!

The movie adaptation of popular young adult novel ‘Before I Fall’ is a story of getting second chance. Samantha, the protagonist in this movie is forced to redo until she gets it right till the day of her death. She is not a bad girl but as with every teenager and high school, the race of being a popular student sometime bring out the worst in an individual.

This is not a movie review but few points which i think one can take from the movie:

  • Treat people with kindness as you want to be treated.
  • Don’t take people and time for granted especially the ones who love and nurture you.
  • Dwell in the nature, stay in the present.
  • Happiness is not about having a perfect lifestyle, it’s about spending time with your sibling, showing love to your family, making someone’s day by giving nice compliments and doing good for one particular person.
  • Let go of the grudges.
  • Don’t put down another person for your own advantage.
  • DO GOOD because life is uncertain. What you do today matters…

These past few days have been a game changer for several individuals. The fast-paced world has slowed down for a while, all because of pandemic. It has given an opportunity to people to see the world from different perspective. Things that were important apparently seem meaningless now.

Death puts a full stop to this life and you move on to another place. What you leave behind here are only memories filled with love, laughter and goodness.

This Too Shall Pass…

Dear anonymous,

Sometimes it’s okay to not feel okay.

It’s okay to feel unmotivated.

It’s okay to have those negative emotions.

It’s okay to feel empty, lost or invisible.

It’s okay when life seems absurd or meaningless.

It’s okay to not be able to achieve all your life goals.

It’s okay to not get that one particular thing you want it so badly.

It’s okay to think yourself useless.

It’s okay to do nothing for a day and lie around on your bed with no agenda.

It’s okay to feel sad and cry out loud in your room.

It’s okay to eat to your heart’s content.

It’s okay to not be happy all the time;

Don’t subside that pain or ache you feel inside.

Your emotions are valid.

It’s okay to not have a plan.

It’s okay to feel vulnerable and weak.

Just know this… it’s all right…

Don’t be hard on yourself.

Do not resist your emotion.

You don’t have to put up a happy face all the time.

Let it out for once.

Take a break and breathe…

Take your time to heal…

This too shall pass and you will come out better and stronger.

For now, keep on rolling.


Inner conscience

You Deserve To Be Happy…


madiha 1

Photo by the writer

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel you are no good? Has anyone made you feel worthless? Have you ever thought why you always feel bad about yourself? Are you doing right? Is all what is happening is your fault? Are you as bad as a person? Is something wrong with you?

These thoughts have all been with me for the past five to six years. Every day when you are told that you are a selfish person and you only think about yourself; gradually you begin to think that you are nothing but a useless person with no heart.

I had been there in that situation where I was constantly assuring and reassuring myself that it’s just normal to feel this way but fighting each day with these thoughts really consumed my energy.

Recently, Oxford Dictionaries has chosen toxic as its word of 2018. Toxic means poison and living in a toxic relation or environment suck the joy and happiness from within you and replace with anger and sadness. And who knows this better than me.

Let me tell you honestly, coming out of it was not an easy feat. It took me a while (read many years) to realise that I am not wrong but I am actually stuck in a wrong situation. The only thing which pulls me out of this mess was me! Yes, nobody can help you until you help yourself and that what I did. And the strength I receive, to do this, was one and only my Almighty Allah.

The best solution to come out of this poison is to surround yourself with your loved ones and say goodbye to those who add nothing but negative energy into your life.

  • Be with positive people, work and relation.
  • Explore the inner side of you which you have lost down the line.
  • Do not be scared to be on your own.
  • Learn to forgive yourself and the one who has inculcated toxicity in your life for your sanity (but don’t forget what that relation did to you).
  • Focus on the goodness in your life.
  • Keep in mind that you are not a bad person to leave this relation or environment, you have only done this for your mental and emotional stability.

And lastly, do remember, YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!
